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Ruins of Symbaroum 5E - Gamemaster's Guide

Ruins of Symbaroum 5E - Gamemaster's Guide
Poslední kus skladem Zboží doručíme cca v pátek 28.03.2025. Doprava od 49 Kč

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pondělí-pátek 11 - 17

Ruins of Symbaroum 5E - Gamemaster's Guide

Příručka Ruins of Symbaroum 5E - Gamemaster's Guide vám umožní tvorbu vlastního herního prostředí a dobrodružství ve světě švédské fantasy hry na hrdiny Symbaroum RPG, kompatibilní s 5E.

Příručka je v angličtině.

The rich and nuanced Symbaroum setting revolves around the Ambrians – a civilization that two decades ago were forced to flee their ancestral soil after a devastating war. Their new and promised land borders on the vast forest of Davokar, covering the remnants of the Empire of Symbaroum which fell into ruin hundreds of years ago. Brimming with natural resources and mythical treasures, the forest calls out to the Ambrians to be explored and plundered, but the road into its depths lays far from open. Not only are the shadows beneath the foliage fraught with danger, monsters and infectious Corruption; there are also the elves of the Iron Pact who have vowed to die to keep anyone from disturbing the ruins of old, warning that the ancient evil of Symbaroum stirs in its sleep.

Now you can join in the adventure! Seek out the barbarian clans to trade or to plunder their treasuries; establish a base of power among princes, guilds, or rebellious refugees in the capital city of Yndaros; survive encounters with trolls, dark-minded beasts, and undead warlords. But always remember the warnings spoken by the wardens of the forest: tread carefully and do not disturb the ruins of old, for the horrors of Davokar are about to awaken!

Aside from the base core rules referenced in the 5E OGL, the Ruins of Symbaroum Player’s Guide contains everything you need to create characters and set out to explore the world of Symbaroum. We provide this information in five major sections: an introduction to the setting, new rules for gameplay, new character origins, new character classes and feats, and a set of resources (equipment, spells, etcetera) for making characters and for use during play.

Obsah příručky:
  • Extensive information on the capital city of Yndaros, the fortune hunter’s town of Thistle Hold, and Karvosti, the cliff of the High Chieftain and the Huldra.
  • Guidelines and tables for placing adventures in the Underworld, Yonderworld and Spirit World.
  • Advanced rules regarding expeditions into the forest of Davokar, to be used when designing or randomly creating thrilling treasure hunts, journeys of exploration and other kinds of wilderness adventures.
  • Informed instructions and guidelines regarding the design of game worlds, adventures, and epic campaigns.
  • A chapter on how to make in-game rewards more interesting and tailored to different player types, also including twenty-seven mystical artifacts, each with its own adventure setup.
  • A long list of optional rules, regarding advanced traps, troupe play, ceremonial magic, managing domains, pitched battles, pact making, social challenges, and more.
  • The one-shot adventure Blight Night, set at the edge of Davokar Forest, as an example of how adventure landscapes in Symbaroum can be built.

Detaily vydání

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Zásilkovna - Zásilkovna79 Kč
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Dobírka (hotově/kartou při převzetí zboží)59 Kč
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Zboží doručíme cca v pátek 28.03.2025.


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