Into the Wild
Příručka Into the Wild obsahuje řadu užitečných informací pro hry na hrdiny Old School Essentials či další RPG ve stylu OSR!
Příručka je v angličtině.
Into the Wild is written for Old School Essentials but can be easily adapted for use with any OSR-style game. It combines and expands on six books by Third Kingdom Games: Classing up the Joint, Domain Building, Hexcrawl Basics, Random Weather Generation, OSR Expanded Classes, and Wealth by NPC level.
Designed to be used alone or as a companion book to Filling in the Blanks and a Guide to Thieves' Guilds, Into the Wild provides guidance for high level play. From exploring the wilderness to founding a domain, creating new classes for OSR games, and more. All of the artwork was commisioned for the book. The rules from the aforementioned six books have been revised and integrated into a coherent whole, with plenty of examples of how it works in play.
Additionally, Into the Wild contains:
Příručka je v angličtině.
Into the Wild is written for Old School Essentials but can be easily adapted for use with any OSR-style game. It combines and expands on six books by Third Kingdom Games: Classing up the Joint, Domain Building, Hexcrawl Basics, Random Weather Generation, OSR Expanded Classes, and Wealth by NPC level.
Designed to be used alone or as a companion book to Filling in the Blanks and a Guide to Thieves' Guilds, Into the Wild provides guidance for high level play. From exploring the wilderness to founding a domain, creating new classes for OSR games, and more. All of the artwork was commisioned for the book. The rules from the aforementioned six books have been revised and integrated into a coherent whole, with plenty of examples of how it works in play.
Additionally, Into the Wild contains:
- Random encounter tables designed to populate wilderness lairs, not just create random encounters.
- A simple mass combat system designed to be used to resolve everything from large-scale pitched battles to large encounters in the wilderness for when you don't want to roll one hundred attack rolls.
- Two pages of unit tokens for use with 1" battlemats and the mass combat system.
- Example settlements and strongholds that are blank to be filled in by the Referee and used as needed.
- Domain tracking sheets by James V West.
- and more!
Detaily vydání
Raritní fantasy RPG
Raritní fantasy RPG
224 x 290 mm
217 stran
vázaná vazba
224 x 290 mm
217 stran
vázaná vazba
Rok vydání
Kód produktu
Fotografie od zákazníků
Into the Wild - hodnocení

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Chci moc poděkovat týmu v Imagu za začlenění této knihy mezi další produkty k OSE. Pokud jste hráli někdy Dračí doupě, tak tato kniha je pro Old-School Essentials něco jako bylo dřív Dračí doupě svět. Stavět hrady, vybírat daně z vašeho panství nebo vést bitvy. A mnoho dalšího. Pokud to s OSE myslíte vážně tohle prostě musíte mít. Ta atmosféra a nostalgie z těch ilustrací je úžasná.
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