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World of Warcraft: The Dragonflight Codex - A Definitive Guide to the Dragons of Azeroth

Sandra Rosner
World of Warcraft: The Dragonflight Codex: A Definitive Guide to the Dragons of Azeroth
Poslední 2 ks skladem Zboží doručíme cca ve čtvrtek 27.03.2025. Doprava od 49 Kč

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World of Warcraft: The Dragonflight Codex - A Definitive Guide to the Dragons of Azeroth

Kniha World of Warcraft: The Dragonflight Codex: A Definitive Guide to the Dragons of Azeroth obsahuje vše, co jsi chtěl vědět o dracích Azerothu ve světě World of Warcraft.

Kniha je v angličtině.

Uncover the rich history of the legendary dragons of Azeroth with this official, lavishly illustrated guide from the iconic game World of Warcraft. With over 100 never-before-seen illustrations, World of Warcraft: Dragonflight Codex (A Definitive Guide to the Dragons of Azeroth) is the ultimate WoW fan's guide to everything dragons.

Journey across Azeroth and beyond with this comprehensive guide, highlighting the magnificent dragons of the video game World of Warcraft. With this immersive in-world field guide written by Archmage Khadgar of the Kirin Tor, get an in-depth look at draconic species and the newly awakened dracthyr, along with the magical abilities of World of Warcraft's dragonflights, proto-dragons, and more!

After enduring years of hardship, the dragons of Azeroth must reclaim their legacy, and it is more important than ever to learn about their vast history and incredible abilities. Though the Dragon Isles stood dormant for 10,000 years, now the Watcher has reawakened, the beacon has been lit, and the dragons have come home-called to be Azeroth's protectors once more. The New Age of Dragons has begun in World of Warcraft: Dragonflight. From the untamed northlands of Azeroth, fans of World of Warcraft will be able to follow the history of the dragons from their origins as elemental drakes to the present day dragonflights in this new, all-inclusive dragon codex.

This fully illustrated, comprehensive guide will highlight the creatures' magical abilities, outline a chronological evolution of the dragons, and map out enchanting new zones. World of Warcraft: Dragonflight Codex (A Definitive Guide to the Dragons of Azeroth) is a must-have companion piece to the latest expansion, World of Warcraft: Dragonflight.

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