Arkham Horror LCG: Return to the Circle Undone
rozšíření pro: Arkham Horror LCG: Core Set• počet hráčů: 1-4• doporučený věk: 14+• délka hry: 60-120 min •náročnost: 3/5 • hra v angličtiněArkham Horror LCG: Return to the Circle Undone
Return to the Circle Undone je vylepšené rozšíření pro kooperativní karetní hru Arkham Horror LCG, které přidává nové karty scénářů a setkání pro příběhovou řadu The Circle Undone, včetně 22 tarotových karet kompatibilních s jakýmkoliv scénářem Arkham Horror LCG.
Rozšíření je v angličtině, je zapotřebí, aby jeden z hráčů vlastnil základní sadu Arkham Horror LCG a rozšíření The Circle Undone.
The reading is not yet complete. Dark machinations once again enshroud the Silver Twilight Lodge, and as the cards spin a new story, you find that you are the key to unlocking its secrets. It is time to reopen this chapter of horrors and put your fate in the hands of fortune once more.
This upgrade expansion comes oozing with new scenario cards and encounter sets that you can add to each scenario of The Circle Undone, enhancing your investigations with new dangers and new objectives. New player cards, including some upgraded versions of cards from The Circle Undone, give you new tools and options for upgrading your decks, and with a full assortment of card dividers you’ll easily be able to sort and store your entire campaign. On top of that, this expansion comes with a brand-new deck of 22 tarot cards that can be used to enhance any Arkham Horror: The Card Game campaign or scenario!
This is not a standalone product. A copy of Arkham Horror: The Card Game Core Set and The Circle Undone deluxe expansion is required to play.
Rozšíření je v angličtině, je zapotřebí, aby jeden z hráčů vlastnil základní sadu Arkham Horror LCG a rozšíření The Circle Undone.
The reading is not yet complete. Dark machinations once again enshroud the Silver Twilight Lodge, and as the cards spin a new story, you find that you are the key to unlocking its secrets. It is time to reopen this chapter of horrors and put your fate in the hands of fortune once more.
This upgrade expansion comes oozing with new scenario cards and encounter sets that you can add to each scenario of The Circle Undone, enhancing your investigations with new dangers and new objectives. New player cards, including some upgraded versions of cards from The Circle Undone, give you new tools and options for upgrading your decks, and with a full assortment of card dividers you’ll easily be able to sort and store your entire campaign. On top of that, this expansion comes with a brand-new deck of 22 tarot cards that can be used to enhance any Arkham Horror: The Card Game campaign or scenario!
This is not a standalone product. A copy of Arkham Horror: The Card Game Core Set and The Circle Undone deluxe expansion is required to play.
Detaily zboží
Váha: cca 646 g
Fantasy Flight Games
Fantasy Flight Games
Herní rodina
Arkham Horror
Arkham Horror
MJ Newman
MJ Newman
Herní Princip
Vývoj postavy/RPG
Správa karet v ruce
Proměnlivá síla hráčů
Kooperativní hra
Dostupné akční body
Deckbuilding - stavba balíčku
Vývoj postavy/RPG
Správa karet v ruce
Proměnlivá síla hráčů
Kooperativní hra
Dostupné akční body
Deckbuilding - stavba balíčku
Rok vydání
pravidla: Angličtina komponenty: Angličtina
pravidla: Angličtina komponenty: Angličtina
Kód produktu
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