Arkham Horror LCG: Scarlet Keys Investigator Expansion
• rozšíření pro: Arkham Horror LCG: Core Set• počet hráčů: 1-2• doporučený věk: 14+• délka hry: 60-120 min •náročnost: 3.86/5 • hra v angličtiněArkham Horror LCG: Scarlet Keys Investigator Expansion
Scarlet Keys Investigator Expansion je velké rozšíření pro kooperativní karetní hru Arkham Horror LCG.
Rozšíření je v angličtině a je k němu zapotřebí vlastnit základní sadu.
The tale of The Scarlet Keys begins in Arkham with a spread of mysterious disappearances. As objects, animals, and people vanish, so too do they disappear from the memory of those left behind. Only you and your fellow investigators remember them - or so you thought. When an enigmatic letter arrives, its author claiming to also remember those who disappeared, it marks the beginning of an epic journey that will take you across the globe and under the scrutinous eye of the mysterious and deadly Red Coterie.
When we say “across the globe,” we mean that literally. The Scarlet Keys Campaign Expansion introduces the game’s very first completely non-linear campaign. After the prologue concludes, you and your party choose where to go next, and wherever you go determines what scenario you play. This means that, with the exception of the prologue and the finale (which always occur first and last, respectively), all of the scenarios in this campaign can be experienced in any order. However, you may not experience all of them in a single playthrough, since one of the greatest threats in the campaign isn’t the Mythos: it’s time.
The Scarlet Keys is the newest campaign expansion to Arkham Horror: The Card Game. Just like with Edge of the Earth, you will find only player cards in the Investigator Expansion and only scenario cards within the Campaign Expansion. Whether you want one expansion or both, the world of Arkham Horror just got bigger!
The Scarlet Keys Investigator Expansion brings a massive spread of new player cards to the game, including six new investigators!
Rozšíření je v angličtině a je k němu zapotřebí vlastnit základní sadu.
The tale of The Scarlet Keys begins in Arkham with a spread of mysterious disappearances. As objects, animals, and people vanish, so too do they disappear from the memory of those left behind. Only you and your fellow investigators remember them - or so you thought. When an enigmatic letter arrives, its author claiming to also remember those who disappeared, it marks the beginning of an epic journey that will take you across the globe and under the scrutinous eye of the mysterious and deadly Red Coterie.
When we say “across the globe,” we mean that literally. The Scarlet Keys Campaign Expansion introduces the game’s very first completely non-linear campaign. After the prologue concludes, you and your party choose where to go next, and wherever you go determines what scenario you play. This means that, with the exception of the prologue and the finale (which always occur first and last, respectively), all of the scenarios in this campaign can be experienced in any order. However, you may not experience all of them in a single playthrough, since one of the greatest threats in the campaign isn’t the Mythos: it’s time.
The Scarlet Keys is the newest campaign expansion to Arkham Horror: The Card Game. Just like with Edge of the Earth, you will find only player cards in the Investigator Expansion and only scenario cards within the Campaign Expansion. Whether you want one expansion or both, the world of Arkham Horror just got bigger!
The Scarlet Keys Investigator Expansion brings a massive spread of new player cards to the game, including six new investigators!
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Váha: cca 586 g
Fantasy Flight Games
Fantasy Flight Games
Herní rodina
Arkham Horror
Arkham Horror
Herní Princip
Vývoj postavy/RPG
Správa karet v ruce
Proměnlivá síla hráčů
Kooperativní hra
Dostupné akční body
Deckbuilding - stavba balíčku
Vývoj postavy/RPG
Správa karet v ruce
Proměnlivá síla hráčů
Kooperativní hra
Dostupné akční body
Deckbuilding - stavba balíčku
Rok vydání
pravidla: Angličtina komponenty: Angličtina
pravidla: Angličtina komponenty: Angličtina
Kód produktu
Alternativní názvy
Arkham Horror: Das Kartenspiel – Die scharlachroten Schlüssel (Ermittler-Erweiterung), Arkham Horror: El Juego de Cartas – Las Llaves Escarlata: Expansión de Investigadores, Arkham Horror: Il Gioco di Carte – Le Chiavi Scarlatte: Espansione Investigatori, Arkham Horror: The Card Game – The Scarlet Keys: Investigator Expansion, Horreur à Arkham: Le Jeu de cartes – Les Clefs écarlates: Extension Investigateurs
Arkham Horror: Das Kartenspiel – Die scharlachroten Schlüssel (Ermittler-Erweiterung), Arkham Horror: El Juego de Cartas – Las Llaves Escarlata: Expansión de Investigadores, Arkham Horror: Il Gioco di Carte – Le Chiavi Scarlatte: Espansione Investigatori, Arkham Horror: The Card Game – The Scarlet Keys: Investigator Expansion, Horreur à Arkham: Le Jeu de cartes – Les Clefs écarlates: Extension Investigateurs
Fotografie od zákazníků
Arkham Horror LCG: Scarlet Keys Investigator Expansion - hodnocení

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Formát vydávání, který k LCG sedí mnohem lépe, člověk nemusí shánět spoustu malých balíčků.
Je toto hodnocení přínosné? ANOZajímavý vyšetřovatelé opět spousta dobrých karet a k tomu nová mechanika umožňující vylepšovat karty jedním z několika způsobů. Prostě skvělá záležitost a určitě stojí za koupi každému, kdo má tuto skvělou hru rád.