Cyberpunk 2077: Where's Johnny
Někdo vyhodil do povětří sídlo velké korporace. Proslýchá se, že to byl nechvalně proslulý Johnny Silverhands. V ulicích se šušká, že je mrtvý a jeho tělo zůstalo na dně vybombardované věže. Jeho úkol: najít tělo. Je však mrtvý, nebo jde jen o fámu?
Komiks ze světa hry Cyberpunk 2077 v anglickém jazyce.
Drunk, cynical, and stubborn journalist Thompson is working hard to wake up the populace--keeping their eyes and ears closed to the filth and corruption of corporate-run Night City is a choice and he's going to blow their self-prescribed diversions to pieces. Somebody nuked the headquarters of a major corporation. Rumor has it, it was the infamous Johnny Silverhands. The streets are buzzing that he's dead and his body remains at the bottom of the nuked tower. His job: find the body. But is he dead or is it just hearsay? The streets of Night City talk and a corporate downfall is just the beginning.
Komiks ze světa hry Cyberpunk 2077 v anglickém jazyce.
Drunk, cynical, and stubborn journalist Thompson is working hard to wake up the populace--keeping their eyes and ears closed to the filth and corruption of corporate-run Night City is a choice and he's going to blow their self-prescribed diversions to pieces. Somebody nuked the headquarters of a major corporation. Rumor has it, it was the infamous Johnny Silverhands. The streets are buzzing that he's dead and his body remains at the bottom of the nuked tower. His job: find the body. But is he dead or is it just hearsay? The streets of Night City talk and a corporate downfall is just the beginning.
Detaily vydání
Akční a dobrodružné
Akční a dobrodružné
174 x 265 mm
72 stran
vázaná vazba
174 x 265 mm
72 stran
vázaná vazba
Rok vydání
Dark Horse Comics
Dark Horse Comics
Autor obalu
Sean Phillips
Sean Phillips
Autor ilustrací
Giannis Milonogiannis
Giannis Milonogiannis
Kód produktu
Cyberpunk 2077: Where's Johnny - hodnocení
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