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Dune RPG: Desert Planet - Adventure Compendium Vol 1

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Dune RPG: Desert Planet - Adventure Compendium Vol 1
Skladem > 5 ks Zboží doručíme cca v pátek 28.03.2025. Doprava od 49 Kč

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Dune RPG: Desert Planet - Adventure Compendium Vol 1

V příručce Desert Planet - Adventure Compendium Vol 1 pro hru na hrdiny Dune RPG: Adventures in the Imperium najdeš řadu skvělých dobrodružství. Pouštní planeta na tebe čeká! Máš schopnosti a důvtip, abys přežil?

Příručka je v angličtině.

Politic over dinner with House Atreides. Encounter the deadly Fremen in the harsh desert. Make deals with ruthless underworld figures to make secret spice deals. The desert planet is waiting for you. Do you have the skills and the wits to survive?

In a remote part of the Known Universe lies the most important planet in the Imperium. Arrakis, a world of such vast deserts it is known to its native people as ‘Dune’. No one would bother with the harsh and deadly world were it not for the spice. The spice is everything, and no matter how much is harvested, it will never be enough. The spice grants power to those who know how to use it, and longer life to anyone who can afford it.

The time has come for you to venture to this desert planet. Your House needs spice and this is the place to find it. While it might be freely available in the Imperium at large, it is found far cheaper among the thieves and smugglers who are always looking for customers. But you are not the only ones looking to make a deal. In the alleys of Arrakeen are spies and assassins of every caliber. There is nothing you can find that someone will not kill to take from you. On Arrakis the stakes are always high, and the desert hides all manner of buried secrets.

This adventure compendium collects some of the most popular digital release adventures and collates them into a new Arrakis campaign. It also includes new detail on the city of Arrakeen with a wealth of new locations and characters, expanding on the information found in Sand and Dust.

The 126-page full colour hardcover book includes::
  • Expanded detail on the city of Arrakeen, its people and places, for use in further adventures. Each location offers a wealth of potential encounters with statistics for the major characters.
  • Three all new adventures designed to introduce Arrakis to your group and begin your campaign:
    1. Heat and Dust: An invitation to dine with House Atreides brings an opportunity to make new friends and enemies.
      Blood in the Water: Searching for a lost water shipment turns out to be far more trouble than the characters expect.
      A Storm of Blades: A Fremen asks for the characters’ help to rescue their cousin from a Harkonnen prison.
  • Four full adventures collected in print for the first time:
    1. Shaitain’s Bargain: Where a job to map some caves brings the characters into contact with the deadly Fremen, and the ruthless Harkonnen.
      Coriolis Storm: A rescue attempt to a remote weather station traps the characters in a deadly situation.
      Time is a Narrow Door: The characters mount a rescue of a kidnapped young noble, who is not the prisoner they expect him to be.
      Desert Flower: An imperial artist is mounting an exhibition, and when things go wrong your characters get the blame.
  • Each adventure can be played as a standalone scenario, but guidance is included on how to collate them all into a single campaign.

Detaily vydání

Dune RPG
286 x 222 mm
126 stran
vázaná vazba
Rok vydání
Kód produktu

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Zboží doručíme cca v pátek 28.03.2025.

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