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Kult: DIvinity Lost - Screams and Whispers

Kult: DIvinity Lost - Screams and Whispers
Poslední kus skladem Zboží doručíme cca ve čtvrtek 27.03.2025. Doprava od 49 Kč

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Kult: DIvinity Lost - Screams and Whispers

  • pro fanoušky Kult: Divinity Lost
  • 6 nových hororových příběhů
  • nádherná příručka v pevné vazbě
Nádherně ilustrovaná příručka v pevné vazbě vám na svých 224 stránkách přináší devět příběhů, šest z nich zcela nových, pro RPG Kult: Divinity Lost. Příběhy jsou pevně zasazené do prostředí Kultu a dotýkají se různých hororových žánrů a oblastí.

Příručka je v angličtině, je vhodná od 18 let.

New scenarios:

It Started and Ended with Screams: The players are all teenagers that are sent to St. Jude’s Centre for Troubled Youths. Here, in this strict institution, where the windows are barred and the doors are locked they soon discover that this place has many secrets. This is a scenario based around human drama, systemic abuse and desperate pacts. It is written by Matthew Dawkins who also wrote The Summit for the previously released scenario collection Taroticum and Other Tales. He is perhaps mostly known for his many contributions to the World of Darkness setting but here he again embraces the KULT mythology in a very daring and intimate scenario.

Hell is Other People: Three people are riding in a limousine through a dark and nameless city. They are all going to the same place and as the ride goes on we learn more and more about their hidden secrets and the desperate desires and black envy they hold for each other. This is a short and unconventional scenario created by Anders Fager, a renowned Swedish horror writer, who among his award winning Lovecraft books, wrote the KULT: Divinity Lost novel For the Love of Goddess.

Downfall: When an aspiring writer goes missing, all that is left behind are unpaid bills, a locked suitcase, and a tattered yellow notebook. As fiction threatens to spill into the real world, his friends and relatives embark on an investigation to piece together a gruesome tale of self-discovery, enlightenment and passion. The newcomer M. Martial explores passion and grotesque body horror in the vein of early Cronenberg movies.

Judgment: A family tragedy plays out during an intense heat wave in Phoenix, Arizona. Here, wills and agendas clash in a scenario with TV-preachers, illegal abortion clinics, megachurches, betrayal, a Death Magician seeking revenge and layer upon layer of secrets! Written by established RPG author Matthew Sanderson who has contributed to titles for Call of Cthulhu and Vampire the Masquerade amongst others. Judgment is his KULT debut.

Seven Sisters: Set in Berlin 1945, and the second World War is soon at its end. The player characters are agents that are sent into a bombed out Berlin in the months before its fall to find a secret agent. In this time of extreme chaos and suffering the borders to Inferno are thin and servants of the Death Angel Thaumiel and enslaved angels have their own agendas which the players become entangled with. This scenario is written by the legendary first edition of KULT writers - Gunilla Jonsson and Michael Petersén. Here they return in full glory with a brand new scenario for KULT: Divinity Lost.

Desert Whispers: A long weekend in Juarez, Mexico. A swinging party where everything is free. In the cold night of the desert, who will save you from your excesses, or your host? The characters stumble upon a gathering of Jackals in this dark, and very intense, slasher tale. It is written by Topher Burke, a novelist and wordsmith currently stranded in the middle of the United States.

Detaily vydání

215 x 285 mm
224 stran
vázaná vazba
Rok vydání
Kód produktu

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Dobírka (hotově/kartou při převzetí zboží)59 Kč
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Dotaz na produkt
Zboží doručíme cca ve čtvrtek 27.03.2025.


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