Kult: Divinity Lost - Weapon Deck
Kult: Divinity Lost - Weapon Deck
55 karet s pravidly, informacemi a ilustracemi zcela nových i dříve představených zbraní a vybavení, jako je útočná puška, brokovnice, výbušniny, bleskové granáty, těžká zbroj, magnum. pistole, kapesní pistole, Molotovův koktejl a mnoho dalších pro RPG Kult: Divinity Lost.
The Weapon Deck for KULT: Divinity Lost consists of 55 cards with rules, information, and illustration of both completely new as well as previously presented weapons and gear, such as the assault rifle, shotgun, explosives, flashbang grenades, heavy body armor, magnum handgun, pocket pistol, Molotov cocktail, and many more. The deck facilitates for the players and the Gamemaster with easy reference to applicable rules and data.
The Weapon Deck for KULT: Divinity Lost consists of 55 cards with rules, information, and illustration of both completely new as well as previously presented weapons and gear, such as the assault rifle, shotgun, explosives, flashbang grenades, heavy body armor, magnum handgun, pocket pistol, Molotov cocktail, and many more. The deck facilitates for the players and the Gamemaster with easy reference to applicable rules and data.
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Zařazeno v kategoriích
Hry na hrdiny (RPG) Hry na hrdiny Hororové RPG Kult: Divinity Lost RPG
Výrobci Ostatní Modiphius Entertainment
Hry na hrdiny (RPG) Hry na hrdiny Hororové RPG Kult: Divinity Lost RPG
Výrobci Ostatní Modiphius Entertainment
Kult: Divinity Lost - Weapon Deck - hodnocení
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