Marvel Champions: Deadpool
rozšíření pro: Marvel Champions - karetní hra (anglicky)• počet hráčů: 1-4• doporučený věk: 14+• délka hry: 45-45 min •náročnost: 3/5 • hra v angličtiněMarvel Champions: Deadpool
Deadpool je rozšiřující sada Hero Pack pro karetní hru Marvel Champions, do které přidává postavu antihrdiny Deadpoola.
Rozšíření je v angličtině.
Oh yeah, we’re doing this. You know him, you love him, it’s the wacky and wonderful Merc with the Mouth, Deadpool! This fourth-wall-breaking hero has finally arrived in Marvel Champions: The Card Game, and he’s coming in a larger Hero Pack than the others! Deadpool’s all about risk-reward gameplay, with an ability that makes him nearly immortal but also adds acceleration tokens to the main scheme. His pack also comes with a brand-new aspect for the game: the ‘Pool aspect! In this 78-card Hero Pack, you’ll find Deadpool, his fifteen signature cards, and a bunch of ‘Pool aspect cards for you to play around with, including some extras in the back of the pack for you to experiment with!
No Marvel game would be complete without Deadpool, and Marvel Champions would not be complete without the Deadpool Hero Pack. This expansion comes with a 40-card pre-built deck, giving you the chance to start playing from the moment you open the box.
Rozšíření je v angličtině.
Oh yeah, we’re doing this. You know him, you love him, it’s the wacky and wonderful Merc with the Mouth, Deadpool! This fourth-wall-breaking hero has finally arrived in Marvel Champions: The Card Game, and he’s coming in a larger Hero Pack than the others! Deadpool’s all about risk-reward gameplay, with an ability that makes him nearly immortal but also adds acceleration tokens to the main scheme. His pack also comes with a brand-new aspect for the game: the ‘Pool aspect! In this 78-card Hero Pack, you’ll find Deadpool, his fifteen signature cards, and a bunch of ‘Pool aspect cards for you to play around with, including some extras in the back of the pack for you to experiment with!
No Marvel game would be complete without Deadpool, and Marvel Champions would not be complete without the Deadpool Hero Pack. This expansion comes with a 40-card pre-built deck, giving you the chance to start playing from the moment you open the box.
Detaily zboží
Váha: cca 162 g
Fantasy Flight Games
Fantasy Flight Games
Herní rodina
Marvel Champions (anglicky)
Marvel Champions (anglicky)
Rok vydání
pravidla: Angličtina komponenty: Angličtina
pravidla: Angličtina komponenty: Angličtina
Kód produktu
Alternativní názvy
Marvel Champions: Das Kartenspiel – Helden-Pack Deadpool , Marvel Champions: El Juego de Cartas – Deadpool Pack de Héroe , Marvel Champions: Il Gioco di Carte – Deadpool: Pack Eroe , Marvel Champions: Le Jeu de Cartes – Deadpool Paquet Héros , Marvel Champions: The Card Game – Deadpool Hero Pack
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K Deadpoolovi som skôr kritický: filmy ma nezaujali a aj tie jeho umelo vtipne gimmicks vo vacsine stolných hier tiez úplne nefunguju. No implementácia Deadpoola do Marvel Champions je geniálna: karty sú väčšinou skutočne bláznivé! Super silne, ale s pomoerne velkym downsidom. Takze si treba rozmysliet ci sa kartu vyplati v danej chvili hrat. Je to vynikajúca implementacia - za predpokladu, že nie ste fanatikom absolutneho dodrzovania pravidiel. Nejaké hraničné prípady a nejasnosti pravidiel sa pri tomto bailu z casu na cas objavia.
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