Pathfinder Campaign Setting: Strange Aeons Poster Map Folio
Pathfinder Campaign Setting: Strange Aeons Poster Map Folio
Tento soubor obsahuje 3 mapy z tažení Strange Aeons - sady dobrodružství pro fantasy hru na hrdiny Pathfinder.
První mapa znázorňuje město Thrushmoor, kde se odehrává jedno z dobrodružství. Druhá zobrazuje cizí město v troskách a finální třetí plakát je navržen tak, aby vypadal jako pergamen s inkoustovou mapou hrůzami plného Ustalavu, doplněný o náčrtky některých obyvatel a nebezpečí této strašidelné země.
Look out into strange vistas! These huge, lavishly illustrated poster maps display key locations from the Strange Aeons Adventure Path. Thrushmoor, the town in which one of the adventures is set, comes to life in the first map, while the second map depicts a ruined alien city in a remote, blasted desert. The final poster is designed to look like an ink-and-parchment map of horror-filled Ustalav complete with sketches of some of the denizens and dangers of that haunted land. Whether you need a foggy town, a strange city, or a gorgeous player handout, these beautiful maps are the perfect resources for the Strange Aeons Adventure Path or any fantasy campaign.
Look out into strange vistas! These huge, lavishly illustrated poster maps display key locations from the Strange Aeons Adventure Path. Thrushmoor, the town in which one of the adventures is set, comes to life in the first map, while the second map depicts a ruined alien city in a remote, blasted desert. The final poster is designed to look like an ink-and-parchment map of horror-filled Ustalav complete with sketches of some of the denizens and dangers of that haunted land. Whether you need a foggy town, a strange city, or a gorgeous player handout, these beautiful maps are the perfect resources for the Strange Aeons Adventure Path or any fantasy campaign.