Pathfinder Chronicles: War for the Crown Poster Map Folio
Pathfinder Chronicles: War for the Crown Poster Map Folio
Tento soubor obsahuje 3 mapy z tažení War for the Crown - sady dobrodružství pro fantasy hru na hrdiny Pathfinder. První bohatě ilustrovaná mapa znázorňuje hlavní město Oppara, druhá taldorský kraj Meratt a třetí mapa ukazuje samotnou zem Taldor.
Explore the glorious lands of Taldor, the First Empire, in the War for the Crown Poster Map Folio. Pore over masterful cartography and plan exciting adventures with these three massive poster maps designed for use with the War for the Crown Adventure Path!
The first lavishly illustrated map depicts the capital city of Oppara, where the adventure begins and ends. The second map provides an overland look at Taldor's County of Meratt, and the third map is a beautifully illustrated map of the nation of Taldor itself.
Whether you're looking for a walled city, a stretch of forest and plains, or an entire nation, these beautiful maps are the perfect resource for the War for the Crown Adventure Path or any fantasy campaign.
Explore the glorious lands of Taldor, the First Empire, in the War for the Crown Poster Map Folio. Pore over masterful cartography and plan exciting adventures with these three massive poster maps designed for use with the War for the Crown Adventure Path!
The first lavishly illustrated map depicts the capital city of Oppara, where the adventure begins and ends. The second map provides an overland look at Taldor's County of Meratt, and the third map is a beautifully illustrated map of the nation of Taldor itself.
Whether you're looking for a walled city, a stretch of forest and plains, or an entire nation, these beautiful maps are the perfect resource for the War for the Crown Adventure Path or any fantasy campaign.