Weird Fates, vol. 1
Weird Fates, vol. I je sborník čtyř menších dobrodružství pro postavy na 3. až 6. úrovni v OSR hrách. Jedná se o otevřené scénáře vhodné na jedno dvě sezení, s důrazem na nelineární strukturu a kreativitu hráčů, všechny v žánru "divné (weird) fantasy“.
Seznam dobrodružství:
“A cornucopia of four short, open-ended adventure outlines leading to lands of pure imagination, this collection should astound and entertain any company of players interested in exotic locales, strange individuals, and a generous helping of satire. Herein, you will journey to a tropical island to answer the eternal question, “What is Art?” (or die trying); confront a reclusive artist with a peculiar scheme to enlarge his audience; find the fabled graveyard of the elephants and partake of the fruits of the Tree of Forever Return; and judge a pie-baking contest in a rural backwater where nothing could possibly go wrong... or could it? Some assembly required!”
A 40-page anthology of four mini-modules for 3rd to 6th level characters, Weird Fates offers scenarios with a strong emphasis on player creativity and a non-linear structure. With cover art by Peter Mullen, and illustrations by Graphite Prime, Cameron Hawkey, and Vincentas Saladis, this collection epitomises “weird fantasy” with its outlandish concepts, strange denizens, and grotesque situations. Short, sweet, and high on imagination (in multiple senses), this is a sure pick for GMs who enjoy a little improvisation.
Seznam dobrodružství:
- Armagan and the Isle of Splendour: Hráči se vypraví na tropický ostrov, aby zjistili odpověď na odvěkou otázku "Co je umění?“ (nebo zemřeli).
- Minstrel Zantoan of the Bogs: Hráči potkají umělecky založeného poustevníka, který má pozoruhodný plán, jak si rozšířit obecenstvo.
- Zulbar-Mongo: Najděte slavný sloní hřbitov a okuste ovoce ze Stromu věčných návratů!
- Puddles and Puddings: Staňte se porotcem soutěže v pečení koláčů v jedné zapadlé vísce. To se přece nemůže pokazit.
“A cornucopia of four short, open-ended adventure outlines leading to lands of pure imagination, this collection should astound and entertain any company of players interested in exotic locales, strange individuals, and a generous helping of satire. Herein, you will journey to a tropical island to answer the eternal question, “What is Art?” (or die trying); confront a reclusive artist with a peculiar scheme to enlarge his audience; find the fabled graveyard of the elephants and partake of the fruits of the Tree of Forever Return; and judge a pie-baking contest in a rural backwater where nothing could possibly go wrong... or could it? Some assembly required!”
A 40-page anthology of four mini-modules for 3rd to 6th level characters, Weird Fates offers scenarios with a strong emphasis on player creativity and a non-linear structure. With cover art by Peter Mullen, and illustrations by Graphite Prime, Cameron Hawkey, and Vincentas Saladis, this collection epitomises “weird fantasy” with its outlandish concepts, strange denizens, and grotesque situations. Short, sweet, and high on imagination (in multiple senses), this is a sure pick for GMs who enjoy a little improvisation.
Detaily vydání
Raritní fantasy RPG
Raritní fantasy RPG
brožovaná vazba
brožovaná vazba
Rok vydání
First Hungarian d20 Society
First Hungarian d20 Society
Kód produktu
Weird Fates, vol. 1 - hodnocení
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